Thursday, December 4, 2008

More Tobin and a camera.

Mic-E Reyes. 1988 I think. This is the BART station at 24th and Mission(?). I met Mic-E once in Vegas with Jason Jesse. Epic Dude.

Ray Barbee. This one has great color.

An absolute classic. John Cardiel in front of the Slayer poster. This totally sums up how rad Cardiel is. This is more than a photo, it's an icon.

The Nikon FM2. Tobin's camera of choice and the camera that taught me more about photography than any other instrument. I just bought my second one (my original died years ago). Nothing feels the same (apologies to my wonderful Leica M6).  Load some Tri-X in this baby and you're set for life.  This machine shoots people.

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